Bakongo Nkisi Power Nail Fetish Figure Congo
Width: 6.0 in
Depth: 6.0 in
The Bakongo Nkisi Power Nail Fetish Figure from Congo is a striking, handcrafted spiritual object used in rituals to invoke protection, healing, and justice in traditional African culture.
This small Bakongo power figure features a variety of details and materials attributed to the Nkisi art form. From the fabric-wrapped satchel to the nail and carved window with nacre shell. This piece is a beautiful testament to the power figures of the Bakongo group.
Nkisi figures, created by the Bakongo people in West Africa, serve diverse functions and hold various meanings. These figurative sculptures include nkisi or nkondi, known as power figures, believed to possess spiritual powers for healing, protection, and justice. Ancestral figures establish a connection between the living and the deceased, placed on altars for offerings and guidance. Nkisi figures also serve as shrine objects in spiritual practices, acting as intermediaries between physical and spiritual realms.
Bakongo Villi miniature figures, associated with a Kongo subgroup, represent specific individuals or groups, reflecting daily life and cultural identity. Interpretations may vary based on community and individual beliefs, emphasizing the rich artistic and spiritual traditions within its society.
Height (in): 10.5 in
Width (in): 6.0 in
Depth (in): 6.0 in
Approximate Age: Early 20th Century
People: Bakongo
Country of Origin: Democractic Republic of the Congo
Overall Condition: Good. Most of our pieces have spent decades on at least two continents, and have been treasured by several owners.