Bambara Chiefs Power Mali
Width: 8.0
Depth: 2.5
The artistic diversity of the Bamana is without doubt one of the most astounding, and confounding, of all West African groups. It is interesting that perhaps their closest rivals in complexity are their neighbors to the north and east, the Dogon, with whom they share certain stylistic similarities. Complex religious, funerary, initiation, and agricultural rites have resulted in an enormous pantheon of ritual objects. When collectors think of Bamana, the image of a "chi wara" often leaps to mind. These stunning, zoomorphic headdresses, danced during the planting of crops, employ the carved head and horns of antelopes, as well as zigzag-zag, open-work designs, reportedly representing the path of the sun. A basketry, cap-like structure is attached to the bottom so that it can be worn. Other recognizable masks are not as well understood, and their use reflects the mind-boggling complexity of the predominantly animist Bamana religion. Among these are the animal-form masks such as this, often quite abstract, used in the "kono" and "kore" societies. One will see horses, hyenas, bush antelopes, and other animals depicted in these fascinating masks. Some masks are more naturalistic, though still highly-stylized, and are similar to Dogon masks of similar construction. Also well-known are the "ntomo" masks, with their numerous vertical projections on the top of the head. These masks are often decorated with colored string and cowries, and are danced for young boys prior to their initiation. The Bamana are also known for their "jonyele"statuary. These statues, usually female, but sometimes hermaphroditic, feature exaggerated volumes, including large conical heads and breasts. They are kept in shrines for most of the year, but are brought out for display and handling at the end of initiations. The best of these "dyo" statues are among the most beautiful in all African art. In addition to masks and formal statues, the "boli" zoomorphic figures are also famous. These bizarre creations begin with small wooden carvings which are "built-up" over time by liberal applications of dirt, which has been mixed with animal blood, alcoholic drinks and other substances. They are used as receptacles for evil spirits, but are fragile and very hard to find intact. Bamana blacksmiths are skilled at ironworking, which they concentrate on after the harvest. They forge staffs as well as equestrian figures, which are used for "dyo" society rituals and also for funerals. Like their neighbors the Dogon, the Bamana also craft beautiful wooden door locks, given to young brides to ensure fertility.
Height (In): 15.0
Width (In): 8.0
Depth (In): 2.5
Approximate Age: Early - Mid 20th Century
People: Bambara
Country of Origin: Mali
Overall Condition: Good. Most of our pieces have spent decades on at least two continents, and have been treasured by several owners.