African Sculpture Speaks Book
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African Sculpture Speaks by Ladislas Segy - Fourth Edition, enlarged
346 pages
A Note on the Fourth Edition:
"It is greatly gratifying to know that my book, after twenty-three years in circulation, and in spite of the large number of books on the same subject, is still in such high demand here and abroad that a fourth edition is being undertaken.
Since finishing the third edition in 1968, I made four trips to Africa, visiting Senegal, the Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, Mali, Ghana, Dahomey, Nigeria, and Ethiopia, and I have revisited the major ethnological museums of Europe.
Furthermore, a large body of new documentation has appeared."
Published by Da Capo Press, Inc.
Copyright 1969, 1975 by Ladislas Segy
Approximate Age: 1969
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0306800184
Page Number: 346
Overall Condition: Used in good condition