Dan Figural Container Liberia
Width: 7.0
Depth: 6.0
The Dan people, numbering around 350,000, primarily inhabit the western regions of Côte d'Ivoire and parts of Liberia. Their environment is characterized by dense forest in the south, transitioning to savannah in the north. The Dan people sustain themselves through farming, cultivating crops such as cocoa, coffee, rice, and manioc, and supplement their diet with hunting and fishing. Known for their fierce warrior tradition, the Dan have long engaged in conflicts with neighboring groups, including the We, Guro, and Mano. Despite their frequent warfare, the Dan share cultural ties with the We people, with whom they have fought numerous battles over the centuries.
Culturally, the Dan people lack a central governing authority and do not have a unified political system. Instead, their villages are led by a chief and a council of elders, with decisions often based on traditional practices and local consensus. In addition to this structure, male associations have historically played an important role in fostering socio-political unity and maintaining social order. These groups enforced strict rules of conduct and loyalty, and provided initiatory education for young men, guiding them into adulthood. They also called upon spiritual forces, particularly the tutelary spirits of the bush, to protect and guide their societies.
One of the most influential spiritual organizations within Dan society is the secret society of the leopard, known as the go. This society, although not fully achieving its unifying goal, continues to grow each year and plays a central role in the lives of the Dan people. It regulates social behavior and oversees the initiation of young men, who undergo seclusion in the forest for periods of three to four months. During this time, they are taught the customs of adulthood. The initiation rites are significant milestones, with boys undergoing circumcision and girls undergoing clitoridectomy, marking their transition to adulthood. These rituals, conducted in the sacred realm of the bush, emphasize the spiritual and transformative nature of the initiation, as the bush is seen as a place where ancestral spirits, acting as mediators, connect the living with the supreme deity, Zran.
Does not stand on its own.
Height (In) 33.0
Width (In) 7.0
Depth (In) 6.0
Approximate Age: 20th Century
People: Dan
Country of Origin: Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia
Overall Condition: Fair. Most of our pieces have spent decades on at least two continents, and have been treasured by several owners.