Dogon Iron Currency Figurine Mali
Width: 3.0
Depth: 1.5
Bronze, Brass and iron figures are identified with Dogon myths of creation, as the blacksmith was one of the first primordial beings known as Nommo created by Ama who is one of the major Dogon deities. The identity between the Nommo and the blacksmith creates a bond and an identity that gives the blacksmith special powers which include the ability to call down rain so important in Dogon life. Figures such as this would be placed in the Binu sanctuary, a sacred shelter where the Dogon keep objects of magical importance. This sculpture reflects the artistry, power, and authority of the Dogon blacksmith, as it was he who also carved the well-known wooden sculptures used by the Dogon.
Height (In) 18.0
Width (In) 3.0
Depth (In) 1.5
Approximate Age: 20th Century
People: Dogon
Country of Origin: Mali
Overall Condition: Good. Most of our pieces have spent decades on at least two continents, and have been treasured by several owners.