Kuba Mollusk Shell Rattle Congo
Width: 3.5
Depth: 2.0
A beautifully decorated rattle made with a mollusk shell and leather.
Numbering about 250,000 the Kuba live in the area of central DRC bordered by the Sankuru, Kasai, and Lulua rivers. This is a region of valleys where numerous rivers flow south to north; the hills are covered with brush and the rivers are bordered by forests. Farming, aside from clearing the fields, was women's work; they cultivated manioc, corn, gourds, bananas, pineapples, and palms. Tobacco was grown by the men. The hunt, a collective enterprise using nets, brought prestige and reinforced the social cohesion between the villagers. To fish the rivers required the participation of the entire village in order to build canoes. Although today most Kuba ethnic groups are organized into independent chiefdoms, they still recognize the authority of the Bushong king.
Depth (in) 2.0
Width (in) 3.5
Height (in) 8.0
Approximate Age: 20th Century
People: Kuba
Country of Origin: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Overall Condition: Good. Most of our pieces have spent decades on at least two continents, and have been treasured by several owners.