Lega Bwami Society Mask Congo
Width: 6.0
Depth: 3.0
Lega masks, wooden and featuring elongated faces with a central ridge, almond-shaped eyes, and symbolic geometric patterns, serve crucial roles in ceremonies, including initiations, funerals, and celebrations. Believed to encapsulate spiritual forces and facilitate communication with ancestors, these masks hold immense cultural and spiritual value for the Lega beyond their artistic appeal. Within the Bwami system, individuals aim to attain the esteemed status of "Kindi," wielding moral influence. Masks act as badges, representing various levels of Bwami knowledge and validating an initiate's rank, with the privilege to wear or display them earned through initiation. The Lega, also known as Warega, reside along the Lualaba River near Lake Tanganyika in the DRC, governing themselves through the communal "Bwami" association. This group comprises both genders, engaging in a structured progression through its ranks, involving challenges and knowledge demonstrations.
Height (In) 9.5
Width (In) 6.0
Depth (In) 3.0
Approximate Age: 20th Century
People: Lega
Country of Origin: Democractic Republic of the Congo
Overall Condition: Good. Most of our pieces have spent decades on at least two continents, and have been treasured by several owners.