Lega Mask Bwami Society Congo
Width: 6.5
Depth: 3.5
The Lega people live near the northern end of Lake Tanganyika on the banks of the Lualaba River in the DRC. They are also known as the Warega. Living in small village groups, they have no centralized authority, but govern themselves through a communal association known as "Bwami." This association is composed of male and female members, who strive to advance up through the various ranks of Bwami, a long process which involves challenges as well as proof of knowledge.
"Lega" African masks, which are a type of mask used by the Lega people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Lega masks are typically carved from wood and feature elongated faces with a central ridge, large almond-shaped eyes, and a small mouth. They are often decorated with intricate geometric patterns or symbolic motifs that represent aspects of Lega culture and beliefs.
These masks are typically used in the context of initiation and other important ceremonies, such as funerals and celebrations. They are believed to embody spiritual forces and serve as a means of communication between the living and the ancestors.
Lega masks are highly valued by collectors and art enthusiasts around the world for their intricate craftsmanship and symbolic significance. However, it's important to note that these masks are not just works of art but have important cultural and spiritual significance for the Lega people.
For the Lega the ultimate goal is to reach the uppermost level of "Bwami" when one would become a "Kindi," one who exercises moral influence within society. The complex system of instruction, initiation and advancement in Bwami uses masks and figures to document the various levels of Bwami and to serve as badges validating the initiate's knowledge of the secrets of Bwami and of their rank.
Initiates earn the privilege to wear and display masks which might be worn on their arms or faces or simply exposed on racks or on the ground.
Height (In) 12.0
Width (In) 6.5
Depth (In) 3.5
Approximate Age: 20th Century
People: Lega
Country of Origin: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Overall Condition: Fair. Most of our pieces have spent decades on at least two continents, and have been treasured by several owners.