Ndengese Dengese Female Maternity Figure Congo
Width: 5.0
Depth: 4.0
This is a Ndengese Figure from Congo, crafted from wood and pigment. This particular piece is a magnificent representation of a royal ancestor.
The figure's hands are placed on both sides of the umbilicus, symbolizing that his descendants are from his line. The genitals are also proudly carved, emphasizing the importance of this lineage (which is often omitted in copies of similar figures created for the art market). The face exudes dignity, authority, and masculinity, while the torso is covered in intricate designs that serve as a symbolic language. These designs praise the attributes of the royal line and can be interpreted as a written code.
Historically, it is believed that the bodies of ancient Ndengese kings were scarified in the same way as the torso of this figure. The bracelets and headdresses are also royal vestments used during coronations.
Aesthetically, this is an outstanding work of art and a significant African religious object. It was crafted with great skill and carries the full consciousness of human dignity invested by its makers.
The Ndengese are neighbors of the Kuba, and their figures are known for their elaborate body scarification. Ndengese are said to be from the Mongo group and claim to have been in the area before the Kuba arrived in the center of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (former Zaire). The Ndengese are related to Nkutshu who are of mongo descent.
They share cultural and artistic similarities with the Mongo and the Kuba. According to some traditions, the Ndengese are descended from the Etotosthe hi, the oldest son of Woot, who is said to be the founder of the Kuba kingdom. Upon the investiture of a Kuba king, the Kuba must go to the Ndengese to get the sacred earth, even in this century. The Ndengese are patriline. King Etoshi is aided by a council of elders and reigns over local chiefs His power is counterbalanced by that of the blacksmith, hunting, and secret societies. The Ndengese are farmers, hunters, and fishermen. Religion is tied to various status societies. The chief and notables in power play a major role in village rituals. There is little study of the Ndengese and their art. The Ndengese people make raffia cloth. Men woven raffia cloth, and the women embroider it. All chiefs, Etotshi, have non-anthropomorphic scepters and carved head flywhisks.
The king also has a staff stopped with a female figure. The Ndengese make wooden heads as amulet besombo. They make cups, double cups, sometimes figural. The Ndengese also produce side-blown trumpet. Masks found in the Ndengese area are very rare and seem to have been adopted from the neighboring Kuba and related peoples such as the Ngeende, and Kete. The statues themselves are so rare. A distinguishing feature of the Ndengese statues is that they end just below the pubic area, without legs. Statues usually feature abundant and elaborate scarifications over the body. Each of them has ritual meanings, which constitute a kind of sign language. The rolls of the elongated neck and a simple flared coiffure are also one of the characteristics of the Ndengese figures. The top–knot is the sign of Etotoshi and appears on all Ndengese prestige objects of the highest level.
Statues like this are said to represent the king and were believed to embody his power. The hands posed around the navel recalls the common origin of those who depend on the chief. These figures are male and female and are placed on the tombs of Etotoshi members. There are also the chief figures Isikimanji, which hold the power and clothing of the old king after he dies. These figures are transferred to the new king in elaborate enthronement ceremonies.
Height (In) 20.0
Width (In) 5.0
Depth (In) 4.0
Approximate Age: Mid 20th Century
People: Ndengese
Country of Origin: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Overall Condition: Good. Most of our pieces have spent decades on at least two continents, and have been treasured by several owners.