Nyamwezi Beaded Doll on Custom Base Tanzania
Width: 4.25
Depth: 4.25
A well-used Nyamwezi beaded doll made from wood and shown wearing strands of various colors of beads.
The Nyamwezi people, residing in central Tanzania, are renowned for their intricate wood carvings made from dark, shiny wood. Carvings typically feature elongated figures with divided faces, eyes inset with circular white beads, and distorted limbs, often used in water divination ceremonies. Scholars like Jean-Baptist Bacquart and Jacques Kerchache have explored the various functions of these carvings, including their role in Nyamwezi cultural practices such as witchcraft, magic, and social entertainment. The Nyamwezi have a history dating back to their settlement in west central Tanzania in the 1600s. Initially living in large settlements and multiple kingdoms, they now inhabit dispersed areas under local chiefs. Renowned as traders, the Nyamwezi established extensive trading networks across East and Central Africa.
Their cultural traditions encompass music, dance, storytelling, and a rich oral history that incorporates elements of history, religion, and mythology. The Nyamwezi speak the Nyamwezi Bantu language, closely related to other Bantu languages in the region. In contemporary times, the Nyamwezi face challenges such as poverty, political instability, and environmental degradation. Despite these challenges, they resiliently preserve their cultural heritage and trading networks amidst the influences of modernization and globalization.
Height (In) 11.5
Width (In) 4.25
Depth (In) 4.25
Other Dimensions: 13 inch height on stand
Approximate Age: 20th Century
People: Nyamwezi
Country of Origin: Tanzania
Other Dimensions: 13 inch height on stand
Overall Condition: Good. Most of our pieces have spent decades on at least two continents, and have been treasured by several owners.