Teke Standing Figural Wood Post Congo
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Teke artistic endeavors predominantly focus on carving figures designed to be infused with magical substances, referred to as Bonga. In Western terms, these potent figures are often labeled as 'fetishes.' They come with different titles based on their intended purpose and owner.
For instance, figures called Matomba are crafted to prevent and cure illnesses, while those identified as nkira ntswo represent ancestors and are employed in rituals to appease nature spirits. The figures are considered incomplete or lacking power until they are infused with magical substances placed in the stomach cavity or arranged as a ball around the figure.
Activation of Teke figures involves a process called 'switching on' performed by the ngaa, the local ritual specialist. Following this, the figures receive addresses and offerings over time, contributing to the accumulation of their inherent power. Additionally, some smaller Teke subgroups like the Mfinu or the Yanzi, who share sculptural styles with the Teke, utilize facial scarification with vertical lines known as mabina.
Approximate Age: 20th Century
People: Teke
Country of Origin: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Overall Condition: Good. Most of our pieces have spent decades on at least two continents, and have been treasured by several owners.