Yela Maternity Figure Congo
Width: 5.5
Depth: 3.25
Very few is known about the use and function of the masks among the Yela. According to Marc Felix, Yela masks belong to the Ekanga secret society and are kept in a special basket in the meeting lodge of this very secret society.( Marc Leo Felix , 1987: p.198)
The yela as well as the Mbole, Komo, Jonga. Lengole, and Metoko belong to the Central -Eastern Equatorial Forest stylistic region in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Like for their northern neighbors, the Mbole, the art among the Yela are centered around Lilwa association. Figures are geometric and have the usually forest heart-shaped face. The most common depict hanging men figures which are the central carvings in this association and found among both the Yela and Mbole.
Height (In) 13.0
Width (In) 5.5
Depth (In) 3.25
Approximate Age: 20th Century
People: Yela
Country of Origin: Democratic Republic of the Congo