Zulu Beaded World Cup Soccer Cleat with South African Flag
Width: 3.0
Depth: 2.5
I was extraordinarily fortunate to be the guest of Fortune Magazine at the first World Forum to be held in Africa, in 2010 in Cape Town, coordinating with the World Cup. A brilliant bead designer designed cleats in the colors of the flags of all of the participating countries. They were made by youth in a township. The shoes are the colors of the South African flag. I bought several, and, at the opening women's luncheons, gave one to Graca Machel, wife of Nelson Mandela. What a moment!
~ Elizabeth Bennett
Provenance: From a collection of African-made beads and beadwork
Exhibited at the South Dakota Art Museum in 2011
Height (In): 9.0
Width (In): 3.0
Depth (In): 2.5
Approximate Age: 21st Century
People: Zulu
Country of Origin: South Africa